4 Desserts You Can Ace At Home

Given the current virus situation we all are stuck at home, offices have started work from home, children can’t go to schools, and all the public entertainment places are too risky at the moment. While the life will gradually go back to normal, till then we need make our life at home fun. So what could be better than polishing our cooking skills by making something very easy yet delicious? A fun cooking day for family can’t be better than making something to satisfy your sweet cravings.
Here are four yummy desserts you need to try at home today:
If you have been missing Jalebi don’t worry because you can make it at home yourself! There are so many Jalebi recipes in Urdu available for you to follow, with very easy and basic instructions. Make perfect sugar syrup by adding water and cardamoms and let it cook till it gets thick, after you have fried the Jalebi, dip it in the sugar syrup and eat them hot or cold depending on your choice. You can also add apples to the sugar syrup and make perfect apple Jalebi or eat Jalebi with milk.
Kunafa is a famous dessert of Turkey, it has been loved by Pakistanis so much that they have started a business here as well. But don’t worry if you can’t find a kunafa here, you can easily make one at home. There are some amazing Kunafa recipes available which you help you achieve the perfect taste and texture.
Rasmalai originated from Bengal but today it is found everywhere in the subcontinent, it is actually referred to as a cheesecake without crust. A great Rasmalai recipe would include making soft balls of Rasmali from the milk curd! Isn’t it fun? So next time if you realize your milk has been converted into paneer because of the hot weather, just make Rasmalai out of it!
Suji ka Halwa
Suji Ka Halwa Recipes are mastered in every household to make some great halwa. So what could be better than teaching your children how to make Suji ka Halwa so that next Eid they are prepared to make it without your help!