5 Kitchen Spices You Can Grow At Home

It happens a lot of times when you are about to cook something and then you open the cabinet to take out some spices and they are finished. I am sure a lot of us find that super annoying, the whole cooking mood is ruined because you can’t really cook without some basic ingredients.
But don’t worry anymore, here is a quick guide on how you can grow 5 essential spices at home.
It is one of the most common ingredients used in anyone’s kitchen. And who has time to go out and some more when you can just make it at your home and never run out of it? All you got to do is full a tub with soil mix, put small 5 pieces of ginger in it and cover it with soil, then let it stay in the sunlight for a day or two while you keep watering it, soon when the soil gets dry, dig in and take the ginger out along with its roots and transfer it to a smaller pot. And keep enjoying some ginger from your private garden.
Again a very useful ingredient with some great properties. Again it could be grown indoor simply stick the turmeric pieces deep in the soil, keep watering it and make sure it gets lots of sunlight. And soon you would notice lush green leaves of turmeric.
To grow coriander at home, an herb which is used in almost all lavish desi dishes for garnishing. It is super easy to grow, anytime of the year, all you need is a wide pot and sow some coriander seeds in it, and water it regularly and make sure it gets the required sunlight, and your coriander will be a step away.
The powdered version of cumin is used in almost all everyday dishes, so sow some cumin seeds in a large pot, keep the soil moist and make sure it gets sunlight and soon you will see the fruits growing out of it. To convert it into powder form all you have to do is crush it.
Sow some mustard seeds in a shallow pot, soon leaves will start sprouting, then keep the plant in a well-lit place and gradually a lot of small flowers will start growing out of it.