Chocolate Three Milk Cake & Mango Pudding Recipe | Masala Morning | Shireen Anwar | 30 May 2023 | Masala Tv

Check out the Chocolate Three Milk Cake & Mango Pudding Recipe in Urdu. Learn how to make best Chocolate Three Milk Cake & Mango Pudding Recipe, cooking at its finest by chef Shireen Anwar at Masala TV show Masala Mornings. Check all the Pakistan Cooking recipes in Urdu of Masala TV. Also Check Chocolate Three Milk Cake & Mango Pudding Recipe, ingredients and complete Method.
Chocolate Three Milk Cake & Mango Pudding | Masala Morning | Shireen Anwar | 30 May 2023 | Masala Tv @MasalaTVRecipes
Ingredients for sponge :
- Flour. 100gm
- Cocoa powder 40gm
- Baking powder 6 gm
- Salt. 2 gm
- Sugar. 150gm
- Egg yolk. 3
- Egg white. 3
- Milk fresh 130gm
- Butter 70gm
- Chocolate 30gm
Method :
Sab se pehle egg white or caster sugar whip kren foam bnalen or ek bowl me egg yolk ,dudh, coco powder whisk kren melted chocolate or butter add kren whisk kren ache se ab egg white ka jo foam bnayatha wo thorathoradalen or hlke hath se mix kren last me flour me baking powder or salt dal k mix kren or batter me add kr k fold kren. Ab 7 inches round pan me bake kren 160 to 170c pr 25 to 30 minutes .
- Fresh milk 120gm
- Condensed milk 130gm
- Chocolate sauce. 15gm
- Dark Chocolate 25gm
- Evaporated milk 100gm
- Sab chizeneksath mix krlen
For Frosting :
- Whipy whip 300gm
- Chocolate sauce 50gm
- Coco powder 10gm
- Cream ache se whip kren or last me Coco or sauce add kr k mix krlen
- For glazing
- Chocolate 150gm
- Whipy whip cream 120gm
Melt kr k thande cake pr pour krden
Crush almond for decoration cake side as requird .
Cake bake hoke ajay to fork se holkren cake me or tree milk bath pour krden ab fridge me rakhdenthandakren 1 hour ab nikalen frosting kren ganache pour kren almond side pe lagaen cake ready.
- Mando diced. 400gm
- Sugar. 20gm
- Blend krlen
For pudding
- Gelatine sheet 3 soaked
- Whipy whip cream 250gm
- Milk fresh 150gm
- Sugar 50gm
- Salt 2 gm
Whispy whip dudh chini namak sath sauce pan me pakaenek boil anelage to blended mango add kren Gelatine add kren whisk kren
Ab cup ya jar me mixture pour kren or cover kr k refrigerator me rakhden 2 3 hour ab nikalen mango dice rakhen condensed thora pour krden neutral glaze se mango ki glazing kr den mint ka ek pattala gaden or serve krden .
Chocolate Three Milk Cake & Mango Pudding Recipe in Urdu and English
At Masala TV you can check complete Chocolate Three Milk Cake & Mango Pudding Recipe in Urdu and English. This is one of the best recipes by chef Shireen Anwar at Masala TV show Masala Mornings. Check out the other best recipes of chefs Shireen Anwar.